Tuesday 9 August 2011


I would like to take the time to post a congratulations to my friends Kevin Patch and Amber Timmons on there beautiful baby Girl Loganne :D I am so happy for the both of you! I hope you guys enjoy your time with her while she is small... it wont last long!

Friday 5 August 2011

Getting discouraged

I have been working out and eating healthy for a week now, I have been staying on track and following through with getting up early and working out... At the beginning of the week I weighed myself  to see where I was starting, our scale has a body fat percentage stat on it. So after the week of working out everyday even when I was sore I decided to weigh myself again before I ate or anything and I have gained a pound and my body fat percentage went up! WHY! I have been SO good I have worked really hard, I have slipped up once or twice but i was never that bad and I tried to work out more to contradict that. I want to stay on track and stay motivated but why is the scale showing NO progress!! I'm frustrated! I guess that all

Tuesday 2 August 2011

Starting Over

So I just finished a 45 minute work out outside while the children were napping and I have to say I feel great! I might be a bit sore tomorrow but honestly it is totally worth it! I love having more energy and feeling better about myself... even if I can't see any results yet i know that they are happening every time I make a healthy decision! I also know that if I continue to make the healthy decisions that I will be happier and have more energy. I am no longer going to focus on losing weight... I am going to focus on being healthy at no matter what weight I am at, and not only am I making healthy decisions I am also making good decisions about making myself a better person. I am going to counciling for some things that have been bothering me for a while that have been making my life harder to tolerate and I have just been miserable. Thats one of the reasons why me and my ex broke up, we are finally getting back to where we used to be... we are laughing again, enjoying eachothers company, we no longer yell at eachother all the time and we finally learning how to communicate and be 50/50 in the relationship! And now that we have come as far as we have we have decided that it is time for him to move back in. I am really excited about this decision but I am also scared, I want things to work and I do not want things to go back to the way that they were. I just hope that we can both stick to our plans and keep moving forward!